Depending on your status as a postdoc, you may be eligible to enroll in certain insurance plans that are part of the university’s group insurance program.
We've compiled information and resources below.
Employment & Benefits
Human Resources
The Human Resource Service Center is the first point of assistance for postdocs, and serves as a clearinghouse for information about university benefits, employment opportunities and department services.
Payroll Services
Payroll Services at UT Austin is responsible for producing and distributing payroll for UT employees.
Retirement Program Options
Review the retirement program options available at the university.
Postdoctoral Appointments
Postdoctoral Fellow (0712) - Paid Employee Position – Temporary (Exempt)
This title is used for the traditional postdoctoral assignment intended to provide a training program of advanced academic preparation and research training under mentorship of a more experienced scientist/scholar.
Assignments are for one year and may be renewed on an annual basis up to a maximum of five years. Upon approval by the vice president for research or delegate, individuals assigned to this title may submit research proposals as a Co-PI.
Benefits – Employees in this title/job code are considered “benefits eligible”
- Health There is one insurance option available for all UT employees: UT Select, offered by Blue Cross, Blue Shield. UT pays the entire monthly premium for full-time benefits-eligible employees, including all full-time postdoctoral fellows. Employees (postdocs) must pay premiums for dependents.
- Retirement Options
- 1. Teacher Retirement System (TRS) This is the default retirement plan (if you don't actively choose between the two plans when you start your employment). It requires five years of UT employment (or other Texas state employment) in order to be vested. If your employment ends before 5 years, you get to keep your contributions to your retirement, but not the university's contribution to your retirement.
- 2. Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) This plan requires employment for one year and one day to be vested. ORP is like a 401k plan, where you choose how to invest your (and UT’s) retirement contributions.
- Paid Leave for full-time employees - includes vacation (annual) leave (starts accruing right away, but you can't take vacation hours until you've worked for 6 months) and sick leave (can start using right away, also can be used to care for a sick family member [immediate family])
- Unpaid Leave includes Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) (employed for at least 12 months)/Parental Leave (do not qualify for FMLA-no insurance premium-sharing)/ Leave of Absence
Research Affiliate – Postdoctoral (A010) - Non-employee Position (not paid by UT Austin) – Temporary
This title is used when a junior scientist/scholar has been awarded a fellowship or traineeship from an external agency or organization based on individual merit and for the specific purpose of individual development.
The award may be paid directly to the recipient from the grantor or administered through a University account by the Office of Sponsored Projects according to the requirements of the fellowship. Payments are not made through the University payroll system and there is no employer/employee relationship between the University and the fellowship recipient. Individuals assigned to this title are not authorized to submit research proposals as a PI or co- PI.
Since you are not an employee, UT does not withhold taxes. You can contact UT Payroll Services with questions regarding your tax withholding. If you are an international scholar, contact the International Office with questions about taxes.
Benefits - this is a non-benefits eligible position, however, you can enroll in certain health insurance plans
- Health - Research Affiliate Postdocs may choose the UT employee Medical, Dental and Vision options or the AcademicBlue Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP). Research Affiliate Postdocs must pay the full monthly premium.
- To enroll in the university's employee insurance plans, you must submit a completed Research Affiliate - Postdoctoral Insurance Request (Online) within 31 days of the start of your fellowship.
- To enroll in the student health insurance plans, visit the Academic Blue SHIP Enrollment webpage, and complete your enrollment by the enrollment deadline listed on the site.
- Retirement - UT does not contribute to retirement account
- Paid Leave does not accrue
- Unpaid Leave does not apply