Welcome International Postdoctoral Fellows!
We are so excited to have you here at The University of Texas Austin. On this page, you will find introductory information about resources for International Scholars, and introductory information about visas, taxes and insurance.
International Student and Scholar Services
International Students and Scholars Services Homepage
International Students and Scholars Services (ISSS) provides services to international students and scholars and supports departments and colleges in hiring international researchers and faculty. ISSS can support scholars on the topics of immigration, insurance, taxes and additional resources through 1-on-1 advising appointments.
Drop-In Services
The ISSS office is located at 2400 Nueces St., Suite B. The front desk can assist with general questions and previously scheduled document pick-ups.
International scholars can take advantage of walk-in hours on Monday and Wednesdays from 1-3:30 p.m to request I-20 or DS-2019 travel signatures. The front desk is staffed by non-advisors and cannot provide immigration advising.
ISSS Appointments
ISSS offers many services for international students and scholars, including scholar advising. Visit their site for information on how to schedule an appointment.
myIO Request Services
International scholars can process their immigration documents and manage their immigration related data via the myIO portal. Update your contact information, see alerts about your immigration status, check on where you are in a process and much more.
ISSS Events Calendar
ISSS also holds regular social events, check their calendar for more information and to see what’s coming up.
Personal Finances for International Scholars
At the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs, we have compiled a list of resources to help you understand your taxes, retirement benefits and other issues related to personal finance all in one place for your convenience.
J-1 and J-2 Visa Processes for International Scholars
Requirements for J-1 Visa Applicants
Almost all international fellows should be eligible for a J-1 Exchange Visitor Visa. Please refer to the International Student and Scholars Office’s list of requirements for J-1 Visa applicants for a step-by-step guide on how to obtain your visa and meet all requirements during your time at UT Austin.
Insurance Requirements
Keep in mind that all J-1 visa holders and J-2 family members are required to have health insurance and to maintain their visa status. Visit the page linked above to learn more about insurance requirements for visa holders.
J-1 Scholar Orientation
All J-1 Exchange Visitor Visa holders must attend the mandatory orientation hosted by the International Student and Scholars office as soon as possible after arriving in Austin. This orientation will cover vital information about immigration status, insurance, taxes and other important topics to get you acquainted with these processes before your fellowship appointment begins. Orientation is held on Mondays at 2 p.m. CT virtually and will last about an hour.
Sign up for orientation
Please visit the myIO portal to sign up for an orientation time. You should complete the J-1 Scholar Arrival e-form in myIO prior to attending J-1 Orientation.
J-2 Dependents
Immediate family members (ie. spouses and children under 21 years old) of J-1 visa holders are eligible for a J-2 Dependent Visa. J-1 visa applicants at UT Austin can apply for a J-2 visa for their family members through the myIO portal. Please refer to the site linked above for a list of additional requirements and the eligibility requirements for this type of visa.